
EP: 177 - Am I The Problem!?๐Ÿ˜…

Different Strokes Podcast !!!

Like three strands of hair that twist to a plait, here combines the realness of R.A.W (Rhys), the smoothness of Mister 2 Drinkz and the flith mongery ...
With Kay & Rhys away, the two old strokes sit and discuss: Family Movies (3:15), Learning Your Type (5:25), Partner Politics (8:35), Story Time With O.H (13:27), Being the Problem (26:42), Porn Scanning (31:38), Kidulthood (36:50), Zionism In GTA? (41:10), Artist Refusal (47:56), Uplifting Music (1:08:09), and much, much moreโ€ฆ

Host: Rhys Waul - Twitter: @Raw_like_me - Instagram: Rawlikeme, Mark Brown - Twitter: @Mister2Drink - Instagram: Mister2Drink - Kaydia - Instagram: @kay.veronica.fennella - Twitter: @KSmall91 - MrOh - Twitter: @MrOhYes - Instagram: Misterohhhhh







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