EP: 187 -I Didn’t Ask For Change… I Asked For Food! 🥘 🫣😳
EP: 187 -I Didn’t Ask For Change… I Asked For Food! 🥘 🫣😳
Different Strokes Podcast !!!
Like three strands of hair that twist to a plait, here combines the realness of R.A.W (Rhys), the smoothness of Mister 2 Drinkz and the flith mongery ...
The DSP minus the Pink Panther sit and debate: Playlist Power (2:40), Usher v Justin (14:18), Brixton Is Gotham City (31:40), NFL Pay Gap (38:14), Moonwalking Into Sony (1:00:44), WhatsApp Flasher (1:08:10), and much, much more…
Host: Rhys - Twitter: @Raw_like_me - Instagram: Rawlikeme, Mark Brown - Twitter: @Mister2Drink - Instagram: Mister2Drink - Kaydia - Instagram: @kay.veronica.fennella - Twitter: @KSmall91 - MrOh - Twitter: @MrOhYes