Like three strands of hair that twist to a plait, here combines the realness of R.A.W (Rhys), the smoothness of Mister 2 Drinkz and the flith mongery ...
Another Week, another episode of the DSP sitting and discussing: Bedroom Bully (2:55), Spectrum Status (6:18), Rhythm & Flow (17:34), House Sharing (39:14), Friend of A Friend (47:00), Loyalty (54:48), and much more…
Host: Rhys - Twitter: @Raw_like_me - Instagram: Rawlikeme, Mark Brown - Twitter: @Mister2Drink - Instagram: Mister2Drink - Kaydia - Instagram: @kay.veronica.fennella - Twitter: @KSmall91 - MrOh - Twitter: @MrOhYes